Shelter Wish Tree

As the holiday fast approaches we would like to let everyone know that our Shelter Wish Tree is up and ready for you to choose an item to donate.  If you would like to save a trip some items wished for are Bleach, durable dog and cat toys, dog and cat treats, dog and cat food (especially canned) ,puppy and kitten food (especially canned), esbilac for puppies, unflavored pedialyte,  blankets (can be used), paper towels,  toilet paper, sponges, lawn and leaf bags, spray bottes, and non clumping cat litter, rabbit food, timothy hay, guinea pig food, Dawn dish detergent, used or new towels and non-fitted sheets, KMR (kitten milk replacer), carefresh bedding, hampster cages, dog crates, cat carriers, pee pads, paper plates, liquid hand soap, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes (lysol, clorox), wash cloths, alcohol, small crock pots, white copy paper, postage stamps, the list could go on and on!  Just drop off your item to Gray Fox Animal Hospital, LLC and we will deliver them to local animal shelters in time for the hoidays!